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[SECC] Stop policemen on 160 SSB

Subject: [SECC] Stop policemen on 160 SSB
From: K9AY" < (K9AY)
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 16:14:27 -0500
I am not a huge supporter of the new 160 band plan, but I think it will
be a positive thing in the long run.  Activity on 160 has been growing
rapidly over the past 5-10 years as more countries have gotten new or
expanded frequencies, and with hams discovering the challenge of 
operating on this unpredictable band.

With more activity, CW/SSB separation -- just like on all the other HF
bands -- will help keep order. 

It will be a bit frustrating while people adjust to the change -- but we're 
going to see changes on other bands, too, as the Novice segments are 
"re-farmed." Just wait 'til that uproar begins -- 160 will again seem like
a gentlemen's band by comparison.

73, Gary

>   During the past 25 years I have operated contests on 160 meters this
> has never been a problem until now. This problem exists because of a
> small group of amateurs who want to have a prime section of the band
> to themselves to work DX on CW. We all know who those stations are and
> we have them to thank for this mess.....
>                     73's KU8E/LID

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