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[SECC] Stop policemen on 160 SSB

Subject: [SECC] Stop policemen on 160 SSB
From: (Tom Rauch)
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 18:22:33 -0500
I'm glad I'm staying off 160 this weekend, except for a morning 
sked! SSB contests always seem to bring out the worst in 

Since there is such a tendency to point fingers and lump people 
into groups, I want to be very clear I have not made any comments 
to people on the air this weekend about the bandplan or where they 
are operating. 

All that aside, I think you may want to know how the statistics look:
>   During the past 25 years I have operated contests on 160 
meters this
> has never been a problem until now. This problem exists 
because of a

Not true. It has always been a problem, more so as activity 
increases. It has actually gone so far as to involve physical threats 
against people in the past.

> small group of amateurs who want to have a prime section of the 
> to themselves to work DX on CW. We all know who those 
stations are and
> we have them to thank for this mess.....
>                     73's KU8E/LID

In the response to the FCC petition there were about 520 
comments filed in 30 days. 

Excluding multiple responses from individuals, there were about 
500 comments filed. This was a very large response as FCC 
comments go...showing this is a hot issue. 

Of those comments, only about 80 or so were against a formal 
year-around rule. 

Of those 80 or so objections, I found only a few objections based in 
some part on contests. As a matter of fact, there were nearly as 
many objections AGAINST the proposed rulemaking by people who 
thought it favored contests as there were comments AGAINST the 
proposed rule because they thought it hurt contests! Think about 
that one a while!!! Anyone who wants a narrow mode area just can 
win because of contests!

Of the group in favor of the rule, I counted about 100 serious and 
casual DX'ers. Most favorable comments were from operators I 
neither remember from contests or hearing in DX pileups.

It seems to me some of us are blaming Bill and Jeff for what the 
majority of  operators on 160 actually want.

The problem really isn't with DX or with this contest, it is with 
people who either don't know any better or those who care less if 
they behave properly. What I do, like most people, is just make it a 
point to NOT work anyone I hear operating at any time below 1840 
and I do work their competitors who are behaving.

That's an effective way of handling the problem. As long as they 
know people are doing that.
73, Tom W8JI 

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