Only got on for a couple hours on Sunday from the car... on the drive up to
Marietta to clean up the old QTH. We were busy most of the weekend unpacking
boxes at the new QTH in Hamilton.
I guess I should of kept a log to submit a log for the club.... but I didn't.
My guess is that I maybe made about 100 QSO's split evenly between 15 and 10
meters. I worked just about everything I heard. Condx seemed pretty good on 10
and 15 meters early Sunday afternoon - the time I was on.
I was using an Icom IC706MKIIG - 100 watts and Hustler mobile whips...
Hopefully everything will be back to normal by the end of this month and I will
be over at NQ4I's for WPX....
73's Jeff KU8E