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[SECC] Help with Partition Magic and DOS???

Subject: [SECC] Help with Partition Magic and DOS???
From: ku8e at (
Date: Thu Jan 15 17:02:25 2004
Hi All...

  I need some advice about partitioning my hard drive.  Since we got our new
Dell computer, with Windows XP Home Edition, I have not been able to get the 
keying and radio interface for NA to work. NA was also locking up all the time 
but I got that fixed by unchecking the options for Radio1 and Keyer.... 

After researching the alternatives I went out and bought a copy of Partition 
Magic 8.0.  I have my HD partitioned with Windows XP home as NTFS
as the primary and then I have another partition that I am trying to setup for
MS DOS 6.22. This partition is setup as FAT32 and a Primary (so you can boot 
from it) but after more research I am wondering if it needs to be FAT ???  From 
what I understand MS DOS 6.22 should be FAT16 but the Partition Magic doesn't 
give you this choice when you make a new partition.

Anyway, I went to the MS website and downloaded a file called MS DOS 6.22 
setup. I think this is the same setup you get if you have the disks ???  I 
copied this setup.exe file to my new partition and ran it and it installed a 
bunch of files on my new partition.  I then add this partition to Boot Magic.
When I restart my computer and Boot Magic give me the choice of which partition 
to boot from I choose the partition I setup with MS-DOS 6.22. For some reason it
will not boot from this partition. I am thinking I need a autoexec.bat and 
config.sys  because it doesn't look like the MS DOS 6.22 setup created those 
files. I'm not sure what I need to put in those files???  Any ideas on what I 
am doing wrong ???

I also tried to install Windows 98 on the partition. The disk I have is the 
upgrade CD and I don't think it has all the files on it ???  I made a Windows 98
boot disk from my old computer and got into the setup by booting from the CD.
It seems some of the files I need are missing becuase it takes an error. My 
computer originally came with Windows 95 but it only came with a Compaq system
restore and Windows 95 Companion CD. I tried the restore CD be it seems to only 
work with a Compaq computer because it also takes an error.  Any help would be 
appreciated !!!

                            Jeff KU8E

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