Hello all:
In addition to Field Day this weekend, there are international contests
on CW and non CW digital modes, plus a SSB contest to work Spanish
stations. Not too much concern for those of us who will be on FD, but I
note that the exchange for all the contests for US/VE stations would be
RS(T) plus serial number. So, if a DX station calls or if you can work
one in some contest, give him 59(9) plus 001, 002, etc and log him as 1D
DX, which would be the exchange for nearly every DX station--fixed
station one transmitter.
1. UK DX Contest CW. Very strange. The website and WA7BNM Calendar
give the dates and times as 14 UTC Friday to 14 UTC Saturday. What's
especially strange is the the announced dates for SSB (in January) and
digital (in July) are Saturday to Sunday. I assume they meant this to
to Saturday to Sunday, too, but that's not what their website says.
Maybe this Friday is a holiday in UK? I suspect not, but it could be.
The queen's birthday or anniversary of her coronation was in the summer
of some recent year. CW only. 160 to 10 M. Exchange: UK stations RST
+ UK Area Code (example 599GL). A list of UK area codes is on the
website. I am pretty sure this is Postal Area Codes. Non-UK: RST +
QSO #. Work anyone for points and mults. My impression is that this is
a new international DX contest sponsored by a previously unheard of club
that garnered very little interest for the SSB part in January.
2. Ukrainian DX Digi Contest. 12 Sat to 12 Sun UTC. RTTY and PSK 31
on 80 through 10 M. Exchange: for UR stations: RST + obl (2 letter
abbreviations--list is on the website). For others: RST + serial
number. Work anyone for points and multipliers.
3. Marconi Memorial HF Contest. 14 UTC Sat to 14 UTC Sunday. This is
one that you may actually hear some activity from. CW only. 160 to 10
M. 10 minute QSY rules per band. Exchange: RST + serial number.
Evryone works everyone else. http://www.qsl.net/ik6ptj/therules.htm.
4. ARRL Field Day. 18 Z Sat to 21 Z Sun, well sort of. Starts at 2 PM
EDT and ends at 2 PM EDT if set up starts before 2 PM EDT. If set up
doesn't begin until 2 PM, you can go until 5 PM EDT. My experience is
that, these days, there are very few stations who take advantage of the
extra time with no advance set up. Everyone does advance set up. You
can operate 24 hours from your first QSO, but everyone tries to be QRV
by 18 Z because contest activity rapidly drops off to almost nothing
shortly after 18Z Sunday. Everyone is tired and wants to go home.
Exchange: Class + ARRL/RAC section (will be state for SECC local
members). Class consists of the number of transmitters operated at the
same time (not counting a GOTA station under a different call and not
counting one free VHF station) and a letter. QSO each station once per
band. A "band" means a band/mode with CW, Phone, and non CW digital
counting as three "bands" on each band. Work any ham band except the
three WARC bands. The meaning of the letters is as follows: A =
portable. B = 1 or 2 man portable. C = mobile. D = home station on
commercial power. E = home station on emergency power. F = stations
operating from an EOC. (Be sure your contest software has been updated
to accept the "F" which was added last year.) There is a 15-minute no
QSY rule per "band" from the first contact on a "band." More W/VE hams
turn out for this than any other contest. It can be a lot of fun from
the field and even from home helping out the stations in the field.
5. ARCI Milliwatt FD Contest. Basically same rules as for ARRL FD,
same times, same exchanges, etc. Except: send logs to WB5KHC instead
of an entry to ARRL. Hopefully, send to both.
6. His Majesty King of Spain SSB Contest. 18 Z Sat to 18 Z Sun. SSB.
160 - 10 M. Exchange: Spanish stations: RS + province (abbreviation
list on website). Others RS + serial #. Work only Spanish stations.
The king's station actually was on the air in the CW section of this
contest last month, so you might want to call EA0JC if you hear that
call. http://www.ure.es/hf/concursos/smelrey/basessmreyingles.pdf.
Also, don't forget that the annual Canada Day Contest is July 1 UTC.
This is a fun contest where everyone can work everyone else. It happens
on a weekday this year, which is a holiday in Canada like our July 4.
Exchange is RS(T) plus serial number for non Canadians and RST +
province or territory for Canadians. That would be starting Wednesday
night local time--all day Thursday UTC.
Hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend. Hopefully conditions will be
pretty good if only we can avoid thunderstorms nearby. Play it safe and
QRT and get away from the rigs and antennas if lightning is close.
John, K4BAI.