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[SECC] This weekend's contests

Subject: [SECC] This weekend's contests
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Thu Nov 18 10:41:09 2004
John Laney wrote:
> 2.  ARRL SS Phone.  Same rules as for CW two weeks ago.  21Z Sat to 03Z
> Sun, maximum 24 hours.  160 - 10 Phone.  Exchange:  QSO #, Precedence
> (A, low power, B high power, Q QRP power, S school, M multi op, U
> unlimited including using packet), Call sign, Check (last two numbers of
> year first licensed), ARRL Section.  For the SE US other than FL, that
> is just your state.  Fla has three sections, NFL, SFL, and WCF.  Work
> only US, Canada, and possessions.

Since the 2 SS contests are collectively added for the Club category,
it would be nice if as many of our members get on as possible and make
at least some sort of effort.

As I stated earlier, as much as I dislike SSB, I will make a minimum
of 200 contacts.

Any number is better than none. Let's see if we can't jump up a few
numbers in the Club category.

W4OC PLEASE get on from SC. ):>
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