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[SECC] Poor Operating? nawwwwww

Subject: [SECC] Poor Operating? nawwwwww
From: ku8e at (
Date: Fri Jan 14 14:27:42 2005

 I don't know if it's intentional or not but every time there is a RTTY and CW 
contest  going 
 on at the same time I have someone on RTTY fire up on my frequency, even 
though it was clear
 when I started using it.. I am sure some of it is intentional QRM because 
these guys know I will 
 probably move because I can't copy anything thru a RTTY signal. I don't know 
much about if a CW signal would bother you too much (on RTTY)... but I do know 
you guys use very narrow filtering so a CW signal close by probably doesn't 
make a big difference ???

 The contest sponsors need to work more closely together now because there are 
many more people doing RTTY contests. The availablity of free software using 
your sound card in your computer 
has increased actvity tenfold on a mode that once required specialized (an 
expensive) equipment....


P.S. There are bad apples (lids) on all modes CW, SSB, RTTY, etc..... 

> From: Schulz Jonathan <>
> Date: 2005/01/14 Fri AM 11:33:49 EST
> To: secc <>
> Subject: RE: [SECC] Poor Operating? nawwwwww
> I was wrong in my quoting 7.04-7.05 as the freq allocated to DX as K9MUG
> pointed out it is 7.035-7.045.
> I am one of the "soundcard" RTTY contest guys the have blossomed in the last
> 2 years - previously only doing Phone tests and the occasional CW contest to
> give Q's to the deserving. To those that want to try the mode I recommend
> as an excellent starting
> point and to answer any questions you may have about getting on the mode
> I have found nothing but the most courteous operators in every RTTY contest
> I have played in, frequency fights are far and few between, and while some
> have trouble with regards to overdriving AFSK signals, it is nothing
> compared to the overabundance of overdriven phone signals in a typical
> contest. I think the worst problem is those that answer a CQ off frequency
> due to the improper use of NET & AFC - a hand near the RIT knob cures that
> issue
> I refuse to believe that "many of the RTTY guys in the contest would
> intentionally QRM those doing the NAQP on CW..." 
> Hope to work my SECC friends this weekend in the NAQP Phone 'test, and to
> see everyone @ NQ4I's for WPX SSB in late March
> 73
> Jon
> K9JS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 8:35 AM
> To: Schulz Jonathan; secc
> Subject: Re: [SECC] Poor Operating? nawwwwww
>  40 meters is really messed up and the FCC needs to act on it now....  Jon,
> the problem is that
>   many of the RTTY guys in the contest would intentionally QRM those doing
> the NAQP on CW...
>  I think that is what pissed off alot of people.  RTTY contesting is growing
> in popularity and the 
>  spill over to frequencies that were mainly not used by RTTY guys in the
> past is a prime example of this.
> I think the best solution is for one of the parties to reschedule their
> contest to another weekend.
>    73, Jeff
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