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Subject: [SECC] W4AN
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 20:42:24 +0000
ku8e at wrote:
Here is what the ARRL web site says:
Club Station Licenses
This section must be signed by the club license trustee and by another
responsible club official. The trustee must hold an FCC issued amateur
license of any class except Novice. The responsible club official must
be an officer of the club. He or she MUST NOT
be the same person as the club license trustee.
This is being beaten to death for no reason. I AM a Club Officer, and
K4BAI does have a valid amateur license above the grade of Novice.

A club station license grant. A club station license grant may be held
only by the person who is the license trustee designated by an officer
of the club. The trustee must be a person who holds an Amateur Extra,
Advanced, General, Technician Plus, or Technician operator license
grant. The club must be composed of at least four persons and must
have a name, a document of organization, management, and a primary
purpose devoted to amateur service activities consistent with this
Before you can get a vanity call, you must first get an ordinary club
call. I was originally the Trustee when we obtained the KI4 call. The
application was signed by John, the VP. I am now acting in my capacity
as an Officer to transfer the Trustee to John. So, when John signs the
605 as Trustee, ( I have already signed as an Officer )
all requirements are met.

I think all would agree that we have at least 4 Club members, a name,
a document of organization ( C&BLs), management ( 4 Officers ) and a
primary purpose. ( contesting )

I really do not understand Jeff's post.

I have helped well over 600 hams obtain Vanity calls in the 1x2 or 2x1
category. In fact, Bill was one of those. Matt, K4AQ, and Cort are
others. I also regularly receive requests from other Clubs for help.
Believe me, I know what I am doing!

And contrary to what anyone may think, there are some pretty good
vanity calls available.


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