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[SECC] fcc uses contest logs for evidence

Subject: [SECC] fcc uses contest logs for evidence
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 03:10:58 +0000
> --- Tommy <aldermant at> wrote:
> > You know, we complain when the FCC does no regulation, now are we
> > complaining because they are trying to do some regulation? Since the
> > FCC is  making an effort to do some of the things that we have been
> > complaining  about them not doing, I think the ARRL was correct in sharing 
> > the
> > information. If you got a request for one of your contest logs, from
> > the  FCC, and they adequately explained why they requested it, would you
> > really turn them down?
> >
> > I would not.
There are a lot of "ifs" and "buts" in Tommy's reasoning. The FCC is
the one which unilaterally did away with the log requirements.

And just what is "adequately explained" mean?

If the request was concerning my own operations, I would comply, but
in every other case the answer would be no. And as far as the FCC now
trying to do some regulation, why don't they start by cleaning up 10
meters. Just how hard can it be to track down a taxi
company in NYC using 10 to run its business.

No matter what you say of it, the ARRL is guilty of a serious error in
judgement. If the FCC wanted the logs, let them have a court issue a


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