Hello all: I will be holding court in Valdosta Tuesday and Wednesday
and have a business trip to Macon Thursday, so it may be Friday before I
get the claimed scores from last weekend's contests posted. I know a
some of you were in WVQP, at least, and probably a number in the SMIRK
contest. Also, probably AA. Please send me your claimed scores by
Wednesday and I'll summarize them for the reflector as soon as possible.
I am sure you all remember that this coming weekend is FD. I will be at
3A, N4WV, Columbus Amateur Radio Club. Jeff, KU8E, will give me some
help. We should be on 80, 20, 15, and 10 CW. SECC member, Jim, K4ZMV,
will be on 40 M CW and SSB. The third station will be on SSB on 75, 20,
15 and 10. Prospective SECC member John, N8QGC, will be there too. We
will also have a VHF station, primarily on 6M. The GOTA station will
sign W4CVY. Have fun and see you on the air.
John, K4BAI.