1. JARL All Asia CW
K4BAI 49 32 1,568 4:21 hrs. SOSB20HP
2. SMIRK QSO Party (6 meters)
K4BAI 10 10 120 ~0.5 SOLP
N4PGW 12 8 96 ? SOQRP Augusta, GA
3. West Virginia QSO Party
Call CW QSOs PH Qs Mults Score Time Bonus Pts Category
N4PN 70 33 41 10,019 9.5 400 SOMixHP
K4BAI 40 7 25 2,750 5:09 300 SOMixHP
NA4BW 6 1 5 170 1 ? SOMixQRP
4. Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon
K4BAI 42 21 2,394 2.0 5W
5. Quebec QSO Party
K4BAI 2 2 8 0:02 Multi Op (Really SOHP)
6. NCCC Thursday 6/23 Sprint
K4BAI 31 7 217 0.5 SO SO2R
N5VI 12 7 84 0.25 SO
This weekend brings the annual ARRL Field Day for our region. DX
stations may also participate by sending "DX" instead of an ARRL
Section, but not many do. It runs 18Z Sat for 24 hours, or 24 hours
from whenever you start set up between 18Z and 21Z Sat. Most everyone
quits at 18Z Sun, but you may hear some FD activity after then. If you
are a home station and just want to have fun, send "1D" and your ARRL
section as an exchange. ARRL sections in our SECC area are all just the
state. FL has three sections, NFL, SFL, and WCF.
Also running this weekend are: Ukrainian DX/Digi Contest. 12Z Sat to
Sun. Exchange RST + QSO# or Ukraine Obl Abbreviation.
Marconi Memorial CW Contest. 14Z Sat to 14Z Sun. Exchange: RST + QSO #.
His Majesty King of Spain SSB Contest. 18Z Sat to 18Z Sun. Exchange:
RS + Serial # or EA province abbreviation.
Hope N4PGW will visit the SECC website and join up. We have a lot of
SECC members who are interested in VHF and who are also interested in QRP.
John, K4BAI.