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[SECC] Alabama QSO Party

Subject: [SECC] Alabama QSO Party
From: RadioIR at (K4SAV)
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2005 18:31:55 -0500

My big amp went back to the factory first of the week.

You guys missed the Alabama QSO party on Saturday.  I operated for 2 
hours, 59 QSOs and 38 multipliers, until someone told me I was a day 
early.  I was wondering why most of the stations were Eu.

Sunday was worse.  Had to lower my antenna to 25 feet because of high 
winds. Decided to just listen for 15 minutes, and didn't hear any 
Alabama stations or anyone working any Alabama stations. Operated for 
1.75 hours.  Then something that sounded like a blast from the sun 
raised the noise level to over S9 for about 5 minutes on all bands, 
gradually decreasing as the wave passed. Ten minutes later, the big 
winds and rain from the reminates of hurricane Rita hit.  Decided to 
disconnect.  47 Qs, 29 mult, all on 20 meters CW.

This was supposed to be in September, wasn't it?

Jerry, K4SAV
Morgan county, Al.

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