1. TARA RTTY Melee
Call QSOs Sects Cntries Score Hours Category
W4UK 375 41 6 29,250 9.5 SOABHP
AE4Y 37 28 - 1,036 1 SOABLP
2. ARRL 160 Meter Contest
W8JI 1474 78 47 455,500 19 SOHP
N8VW* 1219 79 25 267,592 -- SOHP At K5ZG (Op NQ4I)
K9AY* 1204 79 24 267,491 22 SOHP
K4EA 878 78 25 195,700 17 SOHP
N4PN 646 75 10 112,625 12 SOHP
K4BAI 683 72 8 111,200 14:26 SOHP
KA9EKJ 604 75 5 98,320 -- SOLP
WA4TT 348 72 17 67,551 -- SOHP
W4NTI 387 64 3 50,496 9 SOHP
KU8E 311 63 11 49,800 8 SOHP
N4NX 238 70 6 37,544 7 SOLP
AA4LR 292 57 2 34,810 5 SOLP
KA6SAR 207 51 13 31,104 1.7 SOHP At NQ4I
K4HAL 277 58 1 30,078 -- SOLP
K4PIC 202 42 2 18,040 -- SOHP
W4ATL 113 42 4 10,534 -- SOHP
NA4BW 115 38 2 9,087 5 SOQRP
W4QO 119 35 0 8,330 5.5 SOQRP
KD3GC 38 24 0 1,824 -- SOLP
KC4HW* 28 19 0 1,064 1.5 SOHP
N4GG 27 16 1 969 1 SOLP
*Operating outside the 175 mile radius circle for this contest. Looks
like a real good turn out and a good club score for this contest. There
are a few other scores not yet reported, I am sure.
3. NCCC Practice ARRL 160 Meter Contest
K4BAI 24 16 1 918 0.5 SOHP
4. December 2005 Spartan Sprint QRP Contest
K4BAI 58 58 2.0 SOQRP Tubby
WA8REI 46 46 2.0 SOQRP --
Upcoming contests:
1. Thursday NCCC Practice NA Sprint. Usual 30 minute contest Thursday
night local time, 0330-0400Z, low power, CW, QSO dupes after one
intervening QSO. Mostly 40 and 80, but 20 could still be open a little
and 160 is a possibility if only we had more eastern and central US
stations QRV.
2. ARRL 10 Meter Contest. 48 hours of Sat and Sun, UTC. Exchange
RS(T) and state or province. DX send RS(T) and serial number. MM
stations send RS(T) and ITU region. Extra points for Novice and Techs
on CW sending /N and /T. Can be a lot of fun. More fun when more
stations are active. We should be able to work each other even when the
band isn't open for skip. I will work both modes since single mode can
be boring after a while.
3. CQC (Colorado QRP Club) Great Colorado Snowshoe Race. 0200 - 0359Z
Sun. (Sat night local). 40 M CW only, 5 watts output maximum.
Exchange: RST + SPC + antenna abbreviation + CQC member number or power
output. Antenna abbreviations: W = single element wire. V = vertical.
B = Beam. Stations may be worked up to three times as long as there
are 30 minutes between QSOs.
See the WA7BNM or SM3CER contest calendar webpages for details and log
submition information.
Hope everyone has fun and a lot of QSOs. 73, John, K4BAI.