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[SECC] GAQP - One Last Comment

Subject: [SECC] GAQP - One Last Comment
From: gregpotter at (Greg Potter)
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 18:52:18 -0400
A lot has already been said about the GAQP (315 logs!).  It was a super QSO
party and I can't wait to get going on my mobile route for next year.  

The one thing I would like to add to the accolades circling this really
super event is that the mobiles were indeed a real class act.  Not only did
they provide me with the QSOs I needed to finish up Georgia, they also QSL'd
100% and they did it in record time!  I can't tell  you how many times
during this journey toward the USACA (all cw) that getting a QSL was like
pulling teeth.  Not this time folks!  W3DYA, KN4Y, W4AN and NY4N all replied
and in a timely fashion.  Bingo!....Georgia is in the books and I am off in
the mobile next year (God willing and the creek don' rise).

It is an honor and a priviledge to be able to operate with you folks!  Many

73 de Greg NM2L

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