North American QSO Party, CW - January
Call: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG
Station: N4GG
Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10.0
Radios: SO2R
Band QSOs Mults
160: 177 41
80: 360 49
40: 341 52
20: 155 35
15: 31 6
10: 1 1
Total: 1065 184 Total Score = 195,960
Club: South East Contest Club
Team: SECC #1
Nice to work Dallas and Ken so many times...RIP OMs.
The start was tense here - burning resistor smell 10 minutes before the
bell..Murphy? Couldn't find it and it finally went away, probably not
forever though (should reappear in WPX-CW). Then off to a really slow
start as 15 was dead and signals on 20 were weak. The first two hours
were 70 rate...agony in this contest. 15 finally cracked open after 40
minutes and I used too much time working anything I could hear, which
netted 6 mults. I know better, and yet I do this every NAQP and Sweeps.
The 15 antenna doesn't help: very low dipole, down in a hole, at the end
of a long run of old RG8-X....BUT, the SWR is low! Decent 21/28
antennas are on the to-do list. Next year I'm going to run my spark rig
and S38-D on 15 - covers more spectrum in less time.
20 never really got hot - it was a low band contest. 40 opened early
didn't go long until later than expected, but it was hard to stay off 80
160 because they were so good. Noise was very low here, particularly on
160. I felt like I could hear a pin drop on the West Coast on 160. As
usual, the K9AY on receive made a big difference - this would be no fun
if I had to use the TX antennas on RX. Rolling surf noise (aurora?) did
pick up on 80 around 0430Z as it does some winter evenings.
Missed the 1000X200=200K goal by a little. Put the SO2R stuff into
agressive" for the last two hours - I seldom do that as it makes for
CQs. I'm not sure it helped much either - sorry about that. It's hard
to make up those 70 rate hours. As Kirk said - it's like a 10 hour
sprint when you spend every minute working the second radio hard.
Nice to see lots of activity and 8 teams here in SECC-land. Folks who
don't do this contest don't know all the fun they are missing!
I made very wise use of my first time off: got a space heater out of the
closet to keep my feet warm the rest of the way. It was 12F here last
night in Woodstock. I miss the heat from the amps in more ways than
Missing sections: HI (heard one), AK, NL, AB, NU, NYT, YT.
2X FT1000MP+INRAD+Mods, WRITELOG, Home brew SO2R, Wires in the woods
Hal, N4GG