I procured one of these a couple of days ago. It is in extremely good
condition. Anyone out there in Ham Radio Land ever heard of this little
beastie? It is vacuum tube technology and covers 80-10M (no WARC bands). It has
a really sweet vernier/slo-mo dial and weighted flywheel main tuning capacitor.
Very, very smooth to tune with no backlash.
I am planning on restoring this receiver and using it in SKN this coming New
Year's Eve.
Rich Arland, K7SZ
Bent Dipole Ranch, Dacula, GA
"Cogito Ergo CQ" ("I think therefore I HAM")
Author: "The ARRL's Low Power Communications, the Art and Science of QRP" (all
3 editions)
Editor: "QRP POWER", QST Magazine (Jan 2000 to Dec 2003)
Editor: "The Learning Curve", CQ Magazine
Editor: "The Beginner's Column", CQ-VHF Magazine
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