Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests.
1. NCCC NS Ladder 9/23/11.
W4NZ 50 31 1,550 SOLP .5 TN TCG SO2R
K4BAI 43 30 1,290 SOLP .5 GA SECC
K0EJ 39 30 1,170 SOLP .5 TN TCG
K1GU 37 28 1,036 SOLP .5 TN TCG
2. QRP Fox Extravaganza
3. Texas QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Score Category Time St Club
N4JF 235 60 142,850 SOFixQRP 15 AL ACG
K4ZGB 210 60 112,500 SOFix LP 15 AL ACG
W4UCZ 213 0 107,433 SOFixLPCW __ GA SECC
K4BAI 168 139 101,686 SOFIx HP 8:05 GA SECC
N4UC 143 33 49,995 SOFix LP __ AL ACG
W4NZ 47 0 5,781 SOFixHPCW 2 TN TCG SO2R
4. CQ World Wide DX Contest, RTTY
Call QSO S/P DX Z Score Category Time St Club Misc
W4DXX 1834 143 278 100 2,389,365 SOAB(A)HP 37 GA
WW4LL 1654 178 313 106 2,192,184 M/S LP 48 GA SECC
WA1FCN 1448 167 215 79 1,429,100 SOAB LP 36 AL ACG
K4HAL 632 153 56 76 433,200 SOAB HP 12 AL ACG
N4KG 437 36 221 81 408,642 SOAB(A)HP 20.5 AL ACG
KA4PKB 554 136 125 66 321,441 M/S HP 48 AL ACG
AA4V 520 42 121 34 274,618 SOAB HP 7 SC LCCC
KU8E 340 70 128 63 200,448 SOAB LP 12 GA SECC
KC4HW 473 51 64 27 128,226 SOSB/2O(A)HP_ AL ACG
K4WI 353 17 62 21 84,900 SOSB/10 LP 24 AL ACG
5. Straight Key Century Club Sprint (SKS)
K4ZGB 44 23 1,252 SO LP AL ACG
W4TMW 19 15 455 SO LP GA
W4CUX 15 12 335 SOQRP GA
W4FOA 14 12 303 SO LP GA
KB0ETU 11 9 239 SOQRP AL
W4CJV 8 8 124 SOQRP GA
AI4UN 4 4 56 SO LP GA
6. CWOps Club CWT, 1300Z, 9/28/11
W4NZ 54 38 2,052 SO HP 0l45 TN TCG SO2R
This Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT. 0300Z Thursday (Wednesday night local). 20, 40,
80M CW (look around 028 kHz on each band). One hour 0300-0359Z.
Exchange: Name + CWOps # or SPC. Become active in the CWTs and
increase your chance to be nominated for membership in CWOps Club.
2. NCCC SNS and NS. Thursday night local. SNS slow speed practice.
0200-0220Z 15, 20, 40, 80M CW. 100W limit. One kHz QSY rule.
Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. Keep speeds between 18 and 26 WPM.
NS 0230Z to 0259Z Friday (Thursday night local). Same rules as SNS
except no speed limit and add 160M band.
3. NCCC CQP Practice Session. 0200-0300Z Saturday (Friday night
local). First half hour on CW; second half hour on SSB. Use regular
CQP rules and suggested frequencies. Get on and check out your logging
programs, etc. before the real thing on Saturday. Exchange: # and SPC
or CA county abbreviation.
4. TARA PSK Rumble Contest. 24 hours of Saturday UTC. 160-6M PSK.
Exchange: Name + US/VE/JA/VK call area or other country.
5. Oceania DX Contest, Phone. 08Z Sat to 08Z Sunday. 160-10M Phone.
Exchange: RS + Serial #. Work only Oceania stations.
6. WAB (Worked All Britain) HF Contest, Phone. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.
20, 15, 10M phone. Exchange: RS + Serial # + WAB square or country.
Work only UK stations.
7. F9AA Cup. CW, 12-24Z Sat. Phone: 00-12Z Sun. 160-10M.
Exchange: RS(T) + serial # + club name or "nc." Bonus points for QSOs
with F8URC. Two separate contests.
8. California QSO Party. 16Z Sat to 22Z Sun. 160-2M CW/Phone.
Maximum operating time for single ops: 24 hours (with 15 minutes
minimum off times). Exchange: Serial # + SPC or CA county. Work only
CA stations. Club aggregate score contest. Nice prizes for top scores.
9. EU Autumn Sprint, SSB. 1600-1959Z Sat. 80-20M SSB. Exchange:
both calls, serial #, name. Two kHz QSY rule.
10. RSGB 21/28 mHz Contest. 07-19Z Sun. 15,10M CW/SSB. Exchange:
RS(T) + serial # + UK District Code. Work only UK stations.
11. Adventure Radio Society Sept. Spartan Sprint. 01-03Z Monday
(Sunday night local time). 80-10M CW. Maximum power 5W. Exchange:
RST + SPC + power.
I will have a tennis match to play on Saturday afternoon and other
family and church obligations on the weekend, but will be in CQP as much
as possible and help the SECC club aggregate score. This is a really
fun contest. There are enough low power and other CA stations so that
calling "CQ Calif" can actually be productive at times even if you don't
have a really big signal on the west coast. I am also looking forward
to the Spartan Sprint QRP contest on Sunday night.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. 73, John,