Still need one more SSB Sprinter for our SECC team for Saturday night.
GCG has seven members signed up for their teams. We have only four. Any
help appreciated. I must register the team(s) before the contest starts
at 0000Z Sunday (7 PM EDT Saturday).
I have been unable to renew the club's W4AN club call on line since it
is not associated with my FRN number. I'm not sure why and I can't seem
to change the FRN number to my number since I don't control the old
number. I assume it may be K4SB's number, but he is a SK. I e-mailed
ARRL about the problem several weeks ago because I preferred to deal
with them and not pay a fee for the club. But they haven't replied at
all, so today I sent W5YI a check for $7.00 to renew the license. I
guess I'll check the FCC data base periodically to see if a new
expiration date shows up.
For the benefit of those of you who don't already know, the W4AN call
sign is in memory of our founder, Bill Fisher, W4AN, who passed away in
April 2004. The call expires 25 March 2015, but we have a two-year
period after that to renew it if a problem arrises. Of course, we
couldn't use the call after expiration until it is actually renewed.
I am the custodian of the club call, W4AN, and I will be glad to
authorize members to use it from time to time as long as you will sned
me a plain text (Cabrillo file is fine) copy of the log so I can answer
any QSL requests. I have quite a large stack of QSLs for the club call,
all of which have been answered. The call has been used in CQ WW DX
Contests, Field Day, Georgia QSO Party, Florida QSO Party, Alabama QSO
Party, Tennessee QSO Party and on other occasions over the past nearly
ten years.
Have a nice weekend. 73, John, K4BAI.