Thanks to GCG, N4PN, and N2WF, Scott, who is a member of GCG and SECC
has joined our team to round out one complete team and leaving the GCG
with also one complete team. Good luck to all.
Hope those of you who have not signed up for a team will get on and give
out some QSOs anyway.
It starts in 65 minutes at 0000Z. Most activity at the start will be on
20 and it will move down to 40 and then 80. Of course, the SO2R guys
will be using two bands at the same time. Exchange is both calls, #,
name, state. You must QSY one kHz to call another station and 5 kHz to
call another CQ if you have worked someone responding to your CQ or
QRZ. The station you work inherits the frequency and may make one more
QSO there and is subject to the same QSY rule. Lot of fun and it seems
there will be a lot of activity this year. Nice prizes being offered.
73, John, K4BAI.