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[TenTec] LDG group purchase tuners SHIPPED!!!

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] LDG group purchase tuners SHIPPED!!!
From: ham@w3eax.umd.edu (Scott Rosenfeld NF3I)
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 20:05:47 -0400
To all of you who ordered one, they have been received, labelled, and 

Three of 'em went via the Post Office because UPS charges a fortune for 
such shipments.  The ones going to the lower 48 states went via UPS.

To estimate your ETA:

PA, NJ, DE, WV, VA - Tomorrow
Ohio valley, to New England, to SC - Friday
Anything else EAST of the Mississippi - Monday
Denver, Dallas, Dakotas - Tuesday
Everyone else - Wednesday/Thursday

If yours is more than a day late, let me know IMMEDIATELY.

* Scott Rosenfeld NF3I Burtonsville, MD FM19mc QRV 80-10/6/2/440 *
*** 6m 75 grids worked on 8 watts *** HF 140 cfmd * QRP-L #147 ***
** QRP ARCI #9054 ** DXCC/WAS/WAC *** 100% dipole powered HF/6m **
* 301-549-1022 h / 301-982-1015 w *** 145.490- 147.225+ PL 156.7 *

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  • [TenTec] LDG group purchase tuners SHIPPED!!!, Scott Rosenfeld NF3I <=