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[TenTec] Question about 229 Antenna Tuners

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Question about 229 Antenna Tuners
From: fsr567@sk.sympatico.ca (Ken)
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 21:27:21 -0600
Can any one help me out with this question?

I'm wondering how many versions of the 229 antenna tuner Ten Tec produce.

The model that I have looks to be a cross between matching the Omni-C and
the Corsair I. The labeling, knobs etc. on the bottom of the front panel
match. The difference is in the upper part of the front panel which is a
smoked plastic covering the meter and inductor tuning indicator. This model
looks a lot nicer than 229B picture on the "Unofficial Ten Tec Site" . I
remember that there was a kit model, was that the 229B?

I never really give much thought to the tuner compared to the rest of the
Omni-C station until I started looking at some of the pictures of the older
Ten Tec equipment. It looks good to me with the rest of the accessories. Now
it has me wondering as it does not seem to be an exact match to any of the
Ten Tec rigs I have seen..

E-Mail? - ve5kc@qsl.net

Web sites:
    KC's Web Creations - http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/fsr567/
    KC's Canada Page - http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/fsr567/Canada.html
    KC's Amateur Radio Page - http://www.qsl.net/ve5kc/

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