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[TenTec] OH, MANNNNN....

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] OH, MANNNNN....
From: chestert@pressroom.com (Chester Alderman)
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 12:58:22 -0400
>Just thought I'd put in my $.02. I use both Macs and PCs (I won't comment
>on their relative use-of-use except to say that my home machines are Macs
>TT's site is frequently down and it has *nothing to do with the machine you
>are accessing it from*. It is their *server* that is flakey or down for
>maintenance or whatever. Good news is that it is up far more often than
>it is down, but it is pretty disconcerting to see those "no DNS entry" 
>messages, especially considering the seemingly tentative nature of
>the U.S. ham radio mfg. industry. ;)

        Fortunately for us, Ten Tec has been 'tentative' for over 20 years now!
Maybe if Apple had the guts to join the free entirprise competative
manfacturing business, Apple would not be so 'tentative' now.

>Cheers es 73,

Chester Alderman
 * Tom - - W4BQF*

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