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[TenTec] Pegasus

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Pegasus
From: dacalvin@us.ibm.com (dacalvin@us.ibm.com)
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 15:21:48 -0600

I guess I'm missing something too - what in the world did the reviewer
miss?  What is his "bias"?  He tried it out for an evening and made what I
thought was a very positive report.  The end of his article says, "My
Verdict?  I liked this little box!  It offers a lot of fun in a little
package that's within reach of many wallets."  Yes, he would like a little
more robustness in the RX front end, but that's to be expected in a rig of
this price.  He's not the only one who asked for a speaker jack on the rig,
gauging from what I heard from Scott when I visited there in September.
Jeez, guys, don't you think you're reading into this a bit?  Are you
expecting your Pegasus to be the equivalent of a $3,000 radio?  If it were
that good, they'd be selling it for a lot more money!  There is no
"perfect" rig, and no perfect price point, for that matter.

My thoughts; please send all flames to my home email:  ac5aa@juno.com

     73,  Duane   AC5AA

Duane A. Calvin
Server Systems Test Engineer
Dept. 76TS   RS/6000 - SP Nodes
IBM Austin, TX      >O<     Tie: 793-3368

"Reginald Mackey sr." <k6xr@earthlink.net> on 11/19/99 02:27:20 PM

To:   "Greg Hodsdon" <k7kj@teleport.com>, "Troy Wideman"
cc:   tentec@contesting.com
Subject:  Re: [TenTec] Pegasus

I concur with Greg in all points.   I think the reviewer missed
something ---perhaps some bias????

Reggie,  (k6xr)  Southwest Bakersfield, Ca.

----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Hodsdon <k7kj@teleport.com>
To: Troy Wideman <w6hv@earthlink.net>
Cc: <tentec@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Pegasus

> The ARRL article is interesting; my comments follow:
> 1. With regard to receiver performance, the numbers will be out when the
> full review is done by the ARRL and then comparisons can be made.
> However, my experience with the Pegasus is that the receiver is an
> excellent performer. After spending a few hours and over 150 QSOs in the
> cw sweepstakes and working plenty of dx on both cw and phone (all
> continents, Spratly Isl on 3 bands, and a 3W6 this morning on 20m)
> through pileups, the receiver definitely holds its own. Selectivity,
> sensitivity and signal rejection are more than adequate. QSK is better
> than my Omni 6+.
> 2. Frequency can be input directly by using the keyboard on both the
> Pegasus and RX-320.
> 3. I don't understand the comment regarding the lack of a "speaker" jack.
> Maybe the reviewer should retire his old Hammarlund speaker console. I
> have a set of powered computer speakers plugged into the "line out" jack
> and the audio is outstanding. Even the built-in speaker is very
> good....better than most radios.
> 4. If the reviewer doesn't like where the line out, accessory jack and
> serial connectors are located, I suggest that he turn the Pegasus
> around. I suppose then he would comment that the heat sink and ground
> connector are now on the "front panel". Let's face it, the Pegasus is a
> box. There's no reason for it to even be on the operating desk.
> 5. I notice the reviewer's "pod" is different than mine. My pod has the
> interconnect line on the back side of the box and a "TT" logo above the
> keypad.
> 6. The TenTec logos on both my "pod" and Pegasus do not have the orange
> disk. The disk is now black. Did TenTec run out of paint or is this a new
> corporate image?
> TenTec has introduced an innovative and excellent performing transceiver
> for under a $1000. I think this product is right on target.
> I do have one "wish list" item TT should make available as a Pegasus
> accessory. Currently there is no capability to remotely band switch the
> Hercules II amplifier or external antennas. I would think this could be
> accomplished relatively easily with a relay box and software update.
> Greg, K7KJ
> Portland, OR
> Troy Wideman wrote:
> > I just read the "first look at the Pegasus" on the ARRL members only
> > web site. Any Pegasus owners read it yet? Agree with the author?
> > 73, Troy
> >
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