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[TenTec] Design flaws in the TT 1201 Desk Mic .....

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Design flaws in the TT 1201 Desk Mic .....
From: KF6ZZ@aol.com (KF6ZZ@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 13:13:42 EDT
In a message dated 00-09-04 23:02:32 EDT, you wrote:

<< Subj:     Re: [TenTec] Design flaws in the TT 1201 Desk Mic.....
To: <tentec@contesting.com>
 >>Date:    00-09-04 23:02:32 EDT
 >>From:    Steve Baron@StarLinX.com (Steve Baron - KB3MM)
 >>To:  KF6ZZ@aol.com
 >>But OOPS !  I should have said what brand
                    >>and model element do they use .

   Steve OM  ---   
TT does not specify the manufacturer of the electret element supplied in the 
1201 T-kit.

  However, it bears an uncanny resemblance to a surplus
 ATT cell-phone microphone sold by All Electronics
 of Van Nuys Califronia.
About a year ago, I bought a box of those ATT mics and dismantled them for 
the electret element  ( for some other projects of mine ) . 

  When I opened the TenTec kit , I noticed that the mic element 
 looked EXACTLY like the one in the ATT microphone. 

Same dimensions,
same aluminium case,
same pattern of holes in the front,
same terminals on the rear,
same little green printed circuit board on the rear,
same traces on the circuit board,
and so on ...

  Perhaps the mic element was manufactured by Electro Voice,
since TT was founded  by an engineer from EV, 
and is right across the street from the TT factory, there in Tennessee.   And 
they are probably still good buddies....

And the 1201 manual brags that the  1201  microphone was characterized at the 
EV facility, right across the street.

I suppose it is also believable that ATT would buy their
  mic elements from a company like EV .....

Maybe we oughta have a look at EV's web page
 for info on their microphone elements .... 

The mystery deepens....

CUL            - Phil          KF6ZZ

p.s.   Did you build the TT-1201 kit  ???


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