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[TenTec] Broad Band Antenna

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Broad Band Antenna
From: gctotten@juno.com (Gerald C Totten)
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 12:23:45 -0500
  Thanks for all the comments regarding my post.  To answer a few
questions and refute a few of the negative comments.......
  The large object above the balun is a 600 ohm non inductive resistor. 
An early version of this antenna was called the Terminated Tilted Folded
Dipole or T2FD.  Carful measurements have shown that less than half ( 3
DB ) of the power to the antenna is dissipated as heat in the resistor at
3.5 MHz.  And the antenna does very well on all bands above 2. MHz.  And
it is much quieter than any of my verticals.  At a height of 30 feet it
does NOT do well on 160 meters.  On 80 and 40 meters, signals are
stronger on the B&W if the station is within about 300 miles.  And
stronger on the verticals if farther out.  On the higher bands, signal
strength seems to very with propagation and may favor one antenna and
then the other at any given moment.  My signal reports seem to confirm
this. ( Reciprocity )
  I can not refute the bad reports of others but I can relate the
experience of a  friend or two.  One friend installed this antenna on a
guyed metal tower and had very poor luck with it.  At least part of the
antenna was under a metal guy wire.  Another friend ( a retired broadcast
engineer ) installed his as an inverted V from a 60 foot support and told
me it worked very well.

Jerry  K8JRO

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