I worked a K3, 100 watt version, he was running a cob web antenna, on
20m and his signal was broadcast quality yesterday! I was using my
Argonaut V at about 5 to 10 watts SSB and a G7FEK antenna I had just
erected. I would agree the K3 would be similar to the K2. I was a K2
field test builder, so like that rig. But, I tend to go back to my
Argonaut V. The extra power on it compared to the K2 10 watts, helps, I
I think you would be happy with either rig. But, the audio on that K3
was remarkable. The band was changing on us at Greyline, so I did not
get to find out the CA stations' mike. Sometimes that makes a big
difference in audio punch.
-Stuart Rohre
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