Richards wrote:
Geeze... no one said he is a crook.
All we are suggesting is that TenTec (being in Tennessee) would
be in a better position to service any repair, warranty, or
shipping damage issues than the designer would be way over
in China -- just considering the logistics and distances involved.
But to suggest we were disparaging the poor designer's credibility
or integrity is way off the mark and mis-characterizes what
we are saying.
I'll suggest far more than that: I'm buying gear which performs well at
a good price and is made in the United States. If Ten-Tec were to start
manufacturing its equipment overseas, it would be eliminating more
American manufacturing jobs. I think that would run counter to the
desires of its late founder, Al Kahn.
Remember what happened to R.L. Drake when some rocket scientist at the
company decided that it could not afford equipment for vertical
insertion of diodes and resistors to help it compete against the Japanese.
Let's not be shortsighted. We need more manufacturing jobs and less
service jobs.
Dave Heil K8MN No virus found in this outgoing message.
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