Cool! So there is still a commercial source for these.
One comment on the pictures, though. The spark plugs shown on that link
have these funny push on connectors on top. My spark plugs have normal
screw threads on top, so I can secure a cable lug with a nut and lock washer
to mine.
I just dug into my junk box and found a set of plugs and made photos.
For some reason I had trouble creating a new page on my web, so I
temporarily uploaded them to the Annecke start page.
See the bottom of this page:
The wing nuts make fastening easy.
It has a very heavy duty connection to earth.
This is an example of the quality that Annecke deployed with his products.
His passing was a big loss to our hobby.
Rick, DJ0IP
-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [] On Behalf Of Bob McGraw
The items you are suggesting, and what Rick describes can be found at:
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