I tend to think it is more than the antenna. In my Omni, if the drive is high
I get an ALC light. Are you seeing that with drive set high?
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On Feb 11, 2018, 09:11, at 09:11, weaver615 <weaver615@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi All;
>I have an Omni - C and I when I first got it, signal reports were
>consistently 59 - 20 over....Now, Signal reports are little to no audio
>and no signal to nothing at all. I have the Dirve all the way to 10
>from what it used to be set at about 5, just to be heard. My receive
>is awesome, no problem there. My system consists of Ten-Tec Omni -C,
>Homebrew Dipole up approx 20 feet, MFJ -901B manual antenna tuner
>I'm wondering if I burned out the Finals or if it's the bands, or maybe
>my antenna....I have a feeling it may be the antenna (dipole up about
>20 feet) Because If I remember my radio repair days, if you can
>transmit and be heard your finals are working....Any ideas and/or
>advice on if it is the finals or anything else??? New to the Ten Tec
>Rig so any help would be appreciated...Thanks in advance
>Bill - K2WPL
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