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TopBand: 8Q7AA 160m ops

To: <>
Subject: TopBand: 8Q7AA 160m ops
From: (Ragnar Otterstad)
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 08:40:10 +0100
> Full marks to the 8Q7AA op on 1824.5 tonight (20th Jan 2230z)
> Despite the poor discipline from many EU ops battling for a QSO in 
> horrendous pile-up, the op locked on to a signal and once he had a 
> partial call, he persisted (in my case for 4 mins!) in order to complete
> QSO, often having to silence the mob with several QRT QRTs only 
> (whatever partial call) ... until call completed and QRZ the next .... 
> Many stations would have been disappointed, had it not been for 
> such persistence ... Not too many DX stations give such 
> consideration to the small fry!
> CONGRATS and MNI TNX! and hpe they grace all our logs with their 
> call
> 73
> Graham/GM4BES

YES !  Very commendable operation  (  although he did not hear me !  hi )

If somebody talks to him, it may be a good idea if he changed his QSX from
time to time to fiter out QRM. I tĀ“remember SM0AGD did that in the past,
suddenly syng QSX  7 up after having done 2 or 3 up for some time. By doing
that those who listen
get the benefit of less QRM and qso rate goes up too.

73  RAG  OZ8RO

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