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Topband: Good tuner for 160M

Subject: Topband: Good tuner for 160M
From: Dennis OConnor <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 05:16:18 -0800 (PST)
List-post: <">>
Wind your own coil...
Quarter inch diameter copper tube (50 foot coil of refrigeration tubing) from 
the Home Depot, Lowes, etc. and a 6 to 8 inch coil form ( cardboard tube for 
casting cement footings, from same stores)...  
\Use a hammer to flatten the end of the tube and drill it for a sheet metal 
screw..  Use the screw to attach the end to the cardboard form...  Takes two 
people, preferably 3,,,  Roll the tube to wind the copper tubing around it... 
Space the turns by the tubing width, a quarter inch...  
20 turns will be ~10 inches long at 2 turns per inch...  You can leave it 
fastened to the tube, or remove it... The carboard is transparent to RF...  
This will use 43 foot of the tubing...
You can wind the remaining tubing if you wish...
Then a variable cap, and you are in business with an L match....

denny / k8do

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