Hi all - I had some really good replies to my last Q so thanks again -
My new Q - Using Eznec I have obtained the driven impedance for the 120 degree
delay on my 4 sq.firing of the sides - not the diagonal.
I am building a new phasing box and would like to get this set up as near as
possible in the shack before I plant it in my field.
If Eznec tells me the driven Z for a 120 degree phase shift is 71.79 +j25.18
this equates to 31 -j10.9 at the end of a 90 degree 50ohm coax
The 0 degree phase angle is 10.62 -j15.08 which after the 90 degree 50 ohm coax
equates to 78 +j110.8
Because I am firing of the sides of the 4sq the coax lines are paralleled which
of couse halves the values.
So the 120 degree becomes 35.89 - what do I do with the j figure of +j25.18? do
I halve it as well?
When I know the answer how can I simulate that in the shack? the 35.89 is ok
but I am not sure how to deal with the imaginery j how do I simulate the
Thanks from Dave G3RCQ
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK