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Re: Topband: Rig Question

To: "a topband @ COL" <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Rig Question
From: "Thomas W4HM" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 09:52:35 -0400
List-post: <">>
This past winter season I borrowed a friend's K3 and used it and my Kenwood TS-590S in a SO2R setup in a number of RTTY contests. I found that 99% of the time the TS-590S heard what the K3 did. It was a pleasant surprise. Neither rig suffered 2 kHz spacing IMD crud.
I also ran a SO2R RTTY contest setup with my TS-590S and an Icom IC-7600 and 
the TS-590S was the clear winner. Using 2 kHz spacing for IMD when I printed 
weak RTTY signals against strong RTTY signals on the Icom IC-7600 it failed 
every time. In that circumstance I could see and hear approximately 6 db of 
IMD crud on the IC-7600.
I sold the Icom IC-7600 and bought a second TS-590S for SO2R RTTY 
As far as the TS-590S ALC issue there is a brief millisecond spike of output 
power that occurs on keydown and it can trip a solid state amplifier into 
safe mode. But I didn't test for that problem on my TS-590S's.
As I use an Ameritron AL-80B the ALC power output spike problem is not an 
issue. Kenwood will fix the ALC power output issue for free whether the rig 
is in or out of warranty. You have to pay for shipping to Kenwood and they 
pay for return shipping.
73 & God Bless,
Thomas F. Giella W4HM
Lakeland, FL, USA

W4HM's Amateur & SWL Autobiography:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas W4HM" <>
To: "a topband @ COL" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2014 12:27 PM
Subject: Re:Rig Question

Trent the Kenwood TS-590S would meet your requirements and it has a better receiver in it than the TS-2000. The TS-590S receiver section rivals the K3.
73 & God Bless,
Thomas F. Giella W4HM
Lakeland, FL, USA

W4HM's Amateur & SWL Autobiography:

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