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Re: Topband: New RF interference killing RX at my QTH

To: "Goldtr8 \(KD8NNU\)" <>, topband <>
Subject: Re: Topband: New RF interference killing RX at my QTH
From: Agelos-SV3RF via Topband <>
Reply-to: Agelos-SV3RF <>
Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 13:55:28 -0800
List-post: <">>
Dear Don, and Topband community,
Very interesting topic.

I suffer also from some noise the last period, and I decided to try to find 
where it comes from.I found on e-bay 

an vintage RDF Radio direction finder and I am preparing for my efforts.My 
problem is that the sense antennas have been replaced (it has 2).
I have no schematic digramm or any information about this receiver.
The question is: Is the LENGTH of the sense telescopic whip antenna CRITICAL ?
I am almost sure the owner before used what he found available.

And just in case someone of you own such a radio this is it.
DIRECTION  FINDER RECIVER  Japan Military Radio Club Ham Radio
I found this radio also under some different brand names, one I remember 
Any information about this radio is wellcome to my PM.
Agelos SV3RF

DIRECTION  FINDER RECIVER  Japan Military Radio ...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

 From: Goldtr8 (KD8NNU) <>
To: topband <> 
Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 7:33 PM
Subject: Topband: New RF interference killing RX at my QTH

Dear Topband Group,

I need to make a noise finding antenna that I can take in my vehicle to look 
for a source of noise on 160m and 80m bands.  My google searches have not 
yielded much information on something I can use on these bands or what I found 
was not clear to me on how to make one.  My plan would be to make something and 
then use my mobile setup to drive and try to find the source.  

Please any recommendations will be highly welcome.  

What I do believe is that its something that gets turned on in the night hours 
as its not there during the day and there are times at night when it goes away.

Thank in advance for your help.


2014 3905CC Top Gun :-)
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