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Re: Topband: Video Switch for Low Band Antenna switching

Subject: Re: Topband: Video Switch for Low Band Antenna switching
From: Herbert Schoenbohm <>
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 19:10:13 -0400
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The early Dynair switches are passive and they only require pushing in the old fashion PB snap switches. The only voltage they use (optional) is for switch illumination which was required to show with video monitor was connected to a particular source in a darkened control room. I removed all wiring and the 12v supply since it is easy to see in front of me which RX antenna is selected. My only complaint is that during a contest one hand (also the one I send CW with) is constantly changing antennas. The design by Gary with the momentary pad is a big improvement especially if it has a computer interface selection for remote operating. Right now I can only switch 6 antennas by the remote op on the mainland by using IP Power and a bunch of relays in conjunction with a DX-Engineering RTR-1

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 7/5/2015 6:17 PM, Roger D Johnson wrote:
It appears that the better video switches need a signal from the vertical blanking interval to switch. No
signal, no switching. Probably explains why they are so cheap on eBay!

I have 3 bi-directional Beverages, an 8 circle and 4 square receiving antennas. I would like to switch any one to my K3 main rx, K3 aux rx, R-388 or DX Engineering NCC-1 phasing box. That's 8 inputs
and 4 outputs minimum.

Ideally, some sort of matrix arrangement would do. I've looked far and wide for a commercial unit that would do the job but no luck. Virtually everything is designed for SO2R operation. At present, I'm using a switcher used in RV units. It has 5 inputs and 3 outputs. I use a separate switch for Beverage selection.

Thanks for all the inputs!

73, Roger

On 7/4/2015 21:47, Roger D Johnson wrote:
I've been looking for a way to switch multiple receiving antennas to multiple receivers. I know some hams are using video switchers but info on them is scarce. There is a Dynair SVA-100B for sale on eBay but no real description
of it's functions.

It seems obvious that you can, for instance, switch input 3 to output 7 but can you simultaneously switch input 5 to output 6? In other words, can you have more than one path through the switcher?

Any other ideas on switching greatly appreciated!

73, Roger

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