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Re: Topband: Why do rodents eat coax?

Subject: Re: Topband: Why do rodents eat coax?
From: Robert Harmon <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 18:40:27 -0800
List-post: <">>
No one has answered the original question of "why do rodents eat coax"

The reason rodents eat coax, and they like 50 ohm coax the best, is their digestive system
is 50 ohms impedance,  their SWR goes up otherwise.


On 11/9/15 12:38 PM, Mike Waters wrote:
Hi Dave,

There are lots of mice and squirrels here in the rural Ozarks, but they've
never chewed on my Commscope flooded quad-aluminum-shield RG-6. (Yet. :-)

*Perhaps your coax has a soy-based plastic jacket.* There are countless
stories of rodents destroying the wiring harnesses of parked cars, because
soy-based plastic --apparently mandated by the government-- tastes good (so
I hear).

I bought two 1000' rolls of that coax from eBay, perhaps 4 or 5 years ago.
One run of it, perhaps 600', is lying on the ground; some still exposed,
some not. Another run of it, from another spool and another seller(?) is
~60% encased in PVC conduit where it runs across an open field. (If you do
that, DON'T put it where vehicles can drive over it! Use metal conduit
instead.) I can try and see if I can find the sellers if you're interested.

73, Mike
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