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Re: Topband: low band propagation at solar min

To: Top Band Contesting <>
Subject: Re: Topband: low band propagation at solar min
From: James Rodenkirch <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 22:35:27 +0000
List-post: <">>
Bob - I couldn't agree more....listen, call CQ every so often (use RBN to see 
how you're "doing"), repeat.....take notes, etc.

However, I'll add a slightly slant/entreaty here............I've been on 160 
and 80 in the early morning hours (1000Z to 1300Z) for days (3 to 5) at a time 
(most recently, about three weeks ago) listening, calling CQ, listening, 
watching the ON4KST reflector to see who's on and trying to make 
Qs...........nary one other station heard.

Now, one "note" - I am at QRP to just over QRP (10 watts) and I don't employ a 
BOG or Beveridge or other rx-only antenna BUT....I do enjoy a relatively quiet 
home location in s/w Utah where S levels are around S3 or so..........still no 
calls, no hearing CQs, nada. In short,  I become "bummed" somewhat when I see 
RBN reports from stations in WA, CA, MN, AZ and NV of 20, 14, 16 etc., as I 
call CQ, knowing FULL well there have to be others "on the band."

I wish others wud listen on top band and 80 --- if they hear some "less than 
exotic call sign calling CQ," give the guy/gal a call, send an RST and move on! 

I feel like - NO, I believe firmly - there is a "snooty view" by those ops with 
THE ultimate antenna farms (tx and rcv) that takes over when they get on 160 or 
80 ----- they light the filaments of their amps, ensure they are selecting 
the"correct" rx array "heading," and listen "vehemently" for any signs of a VK, 
a JA, a "whatever" call long as it isn't aW/K.......! wish others on 
160/80 wud invest one minute to answer a CQ, send the RST and move on..... it's 
OK to work a fella W/K ham on top band - it won't sully you image amongst the 
"top band elite." 

I KNOW I do "well" in the CQ, ARRL and Stew events - so, albeit a QRP to 10 
watt limitation, I know it's not my "system"!

I hope some of youz will start listening a little and take opportunities to 
answer CQs on top band, during non-contesting times......understanding there 
are us "peanut whistle" stations out there who, simply, enjoy hearing a reply 
to our CQs OR hope to hear others calling CQ, sans "CQ DX"!

71.5/72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV

Monday, June 06, 2016 2:58 AM
To: ; 'Carl Luetzelschwab' ;
Subject: Re: Topband: low band propagation at solar min


I believe we still have so much to learn on this subject.
That is why nothing beats listening no matter what the numbers say.
73 and gud DX.  Bob K3UL

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