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Re: Topband: YCCC 9 circle/5 square

Subject: Re: Topband: YCCC 9 circle/5 square
From: Mike VE3CKO <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 09:27:13 -0500
List-post: <>
Yes George did dig up that manual, I'm going to pick up a used CC-8 antenna switch box that will do the trick. Must have thrown out 4 or 5 printer/rs232 switch boxes before I became a hoarder :)
73, Mike Kovacich - VE3CKO

On 2/20/2019 4:56 PM, George Dubovsky wrote:
The controller is trivial; look at the manual still available on the DXEngineering site. You could probably hardwire it in an old printer switch box. Anything that has a rotary switch inside a housing.

geo - n4ua

On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 4:38 PM Mike VE3CKO < <>> wrote:
    There seems to be no controller board available, just the pre-amp,
    switching and phasing boards. Did I miss something?

        RX-amps, you will get 10 pieces for 20 euro.
        Switch-board you will get 5 pieces for 20 euro.
        Phase board you will get 5 pieces for 20 euro.

    If your putting an order together, count me to split up.

    73, Mike Kovacich - VE3CKO

    On 2/19/2019 2:03 PM, David Olean wrote:
    > Mike,
    > You can get boards from PI4CC HF club in the Netherlands. The
    > is that you get more boards than one person needs. The boards are
    > coming from China. I think it is a shipping situation. You can
    get 10
    > preamp boards and then five of the switching/phasing boards and
    > of the controller board.  I am looking to pool an order for a nine
    > circle array, so I need ten preamps (one spare) and a single
    > and a single controller. I don't want or need five!  Even
    splitting it
    > two ways is a good deal for the cost.  (20 EU for five ) Check
    out the
    > page.
    > Dave K1WHS
    > On 2/19/2019 5:40 PM, Mike VE3CKO wrote:
    >> I see the YCCC 9 circle/5 square kits are no longer available
    from DX
    >> Engineering. Is there somewhere to buy the kits or at least
    some key
    >> parts like the PCBs?
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