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Re: Topband: Amp tripping SWR ** progress**

To: Adrian <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Amp tripping SWR ** progress**
From: SRB Domeneshop <>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2021 03:21:20 +0200
List-post: <>

SPE using a smal coax RG58 as capacitor in the RF detection / SWR system

I seen this melted!!! This made SWR trip & go bananas…. 

Open the amp and check it 

Just my two cent….. 

Best Regards,
Stein-Roar Brobakken
Skype: lb3re.rag

> 30. okt. 2021 kl. 02:42 skrev Adrian <>:
> Sounds like you are still unsure, and that is a guess. You said the swr is 
> 1.4:1 , I guess this what the SPE shows with SPE in standby, and txcr keyed ?
> If so when switched to operate, you should be able to gradually increase 
> drive power form a very low level and raise until you see the output power
> level where SPE indicated swr suddenly increases and trips the amp? Or is the 
> alarm instant regardless low low drive is in low power profile.
> Test in FT8 in ssb is one good way to go from 0 output & up using audio level 
> adjustment modulating the drive.
> The SPE can be controlled from a few watts output smoothly through to the 
> point where issues occur.
> If the swr holds good until a output power level point where it fails, then 
> it provides more clues to the problem.
> An instant swr trip to standby regardless of drive level however low or 0, is 
> another issue.
> vk4tux
>> On 30/10/21 09:54, WW3S wrote:
>> With the help of #1 son, during a lull in the monsoons, we isolated it to my 
>> KK1L 2x6 box, mounted on the outside of the house. Sounds like maybe some 
>> relays clicking and clacking, probably rfi coming thru the control cables, 
>> despite clamp on toroids everywhere and the cables wrapped numerous times 
>> thru double ferrite cores. I do have a couple of unused ports, I wonder if 
>> it will help if I terminate those with dummy loads?
>> Sent from my iPad
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