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Re: Topband: Quarter wave sloper ?

To: "jim.thom" <>, Felipe J. Hernández <>
Subject: Re: Topband: Quarter wave sloper ?
From: Rick Kunath via Topband <>
Reply-to: Rick Kunath <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 17:04:58 -0400
List-post: <>

On your sloper and the 2x segments idea for wider bandwidth, have you thought about just running 2 separate sloper wires with one slightly longer than the other in a fan arrangement? You could trim those lengths from ground level to get the resonances where you wanted them. Hold those apart a very short distance at the ground end, sort of like the fan dipole antenna. That would eliminate any relay at the tower top.

As to receive antennas, It might be worth putting up a LoG antenna (Loop on Ground - with 30-feet per side dimensions. I have one and it can work wonders sometimes. That's right on the grass and after a few weeks it just disappears. I also use a 10-foot by 30-foot flag antenna, and it's fed at the bottom corner and un-terminated. I phase that against the LoG or another flag to null down noise and even atmospheric noise can be nulled as long as it is not all coming from many directions or many wave angles.

A few thoughts for you...

Rick Kunath, K9AO

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