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Re: Topband: Quarter wave sloper ?

Subject: Re: Topband: Quarter wave sloper ?
From: "jim.thom" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 02:34:56 -0700
List-post: <>
<Hopefully - the 40M yagi has the elements connected to the boom.

<Tree N6TR

Just came up with a method to bond the 40m REF + DIR to the boom.

 By adding one vac relay to each nema box, I could just electrically

 bond the flat strap coil inside each nema the boom.

 Activate both relays when on 160m.  I have a mess of new DPST-NO
Kilovac relays.

 I will parallel the contacts on each relay.  Problem solved. Then the 40m yagi

will appear as semi decent top loading...esp with the 50+ foot long eles.

Jim  VE7RF
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