Hi Mike,
I have four of these (and one NCC-2) and use for phasing various antennas for
They work very well with two short verticals. My elements are 34 feet with 1/8
or 1/4 wave spacing. Even with NO matching at the base (direct to coax) and
single 3-ft ground rod they will perform as well as a single 500-ft Beverage.
Better gain with matching though.
Elements can be wires from trees or self-supporting aluminum, etc. Or small
The variable phasing may help compensate for varying ground conductivity, trees
and other nearby objects. TX antenna may need to be detuned to avoid coupling
noise to the RX antenna.
Jon P. Zaimes, AA1K
Tower climber for hire
Felton, Delaware
Cell: 302-632-2353
Reviews of AA1K tower work on eham website:
Hug your favorite tower every day, and always stay connected to it.
On Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 06:23:14 PM EST, Mike Fischer via Topband
<topband@contesting.com> wrote:
Hola Jedi Masters of TB…
I have inherited a DXE-NCC1 and would be grateful for suggestions on rx
antennas you would consider connecting to it. (I do not own any of the DXE rx
antennas / arrays etc)
I have a small area to work with, 1/2 acre of heavily wooded space. ( I know
Roger - thats a TON of space to you )
My TX antenna (inv L with 4 elevated radials) is in the same area.
Thank you for your time and any thoughts!
Forever a “Padawan Learner” in this TB gang,
Sent from my iPhone
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Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector