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[TowerTalk] Guy Wires

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Guy Wires
From: (K7LXC)
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 11:57:36 EDT
In a message dated 98-05-22 11:33:58 EDT, writes:

> While we're on the subject of guys and tensioning, what is the
>  method used to pre-tension the guys before attaching the turnbuckles
>  to the anchor rod equalizing plates?

      The way it's done is to have 3 cable-pullers (comealongs) and 3 cable
grips. The Klein Chicago grips are the ones the pros use. They're spring-
loaded and are easily attached and removed from the cable. The p/n is 1613-40
and does 3/16 and 1/4 EHS. This has jaws designed for EHS. They're available
from Champion Radio Products for $75.00. I don't think you can rent them

    The other thing you can use is your Preformed grips. It's good for initial
guying but not intended to be used as a pulling grip like the Klein is. You
can use the same 3 for 2 sets of guys; then throw them away. That's a lot
cheaper than the Klein grips. 

     Pull the guys out using either grip method and attach to an extended
cable puller. Ratchet the puller until you have a small amount of tension on
the cables. One-hundred pounds is a good place to start - verify with your
Loos Tension Gauge. Now you want to check the tower for plumb. The easiest way
is for the tower climber to use a level at the top. He then directs the ground
crew to pull the guys until it's plumb. 

     Now that it's plumb, attach the guys to the turnbuckles. The TB's don't
have to be fully extended. Then adjust each turnbuckle the same amount
(several turns each) and check the tension again. Repeat adjusting the TB's
until you have the desired tension and you're done.

      Take the grips off and then install them on the next set. Now that the
tower up to the first set of guys is plumb, all you have to do is look up the
tower face to plumb the rest of it. It'll be very obvious when it is and isn't

     The best thing to have is a person at each anchor making the adjustments.
If you are doing it with a small crew, you'll walk for a couple of miles
between anchors. It's tiring and slow but it'll still work FB.
>  I don't think I can pull them anywhere close to 670 pounds on
>  my own :-)

     That's what the cable puller is for. And the turnbuckle.
>  Also, how close to spec do you need to pull them before terminating
>  the guys with the final big grip and turnbuckle?  I can't see
>  that the turnbuckle has all that much adjustment ability; or does
>  it?

     Follow the above technique and you'll be just fine. Actually, using this
method you don't need much turnbuckle to adjust. Going from 100# to 400#
tension might be less than 6 turns of the TB. 
>  I am completely unfamiliar with these things and my guy wire materials
>  will be arriving some time next week.

      Good time to find out! Good luck.

Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC

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