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[TowerTalk] Yuri's antennas

To: <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Yuri's antennas
From: (Geo. Clute)
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 12:10:05 -0800
Messr. Pete writes:
|I think this is all getting a little silly.  I would suggest
|we agree on
|the following and move on:
|The "razors" -- and other quagis used by others, including
|W9RE -- worked
|very well.
|VE3BMV's CQWW achievements in the 1970s were noteworthy,
|though being in VE
|gave him a useful advantage over W stations in the same category.
|The state of the art has moved on, and it would take much more to be
|competitive today at the highest level, whether single or all-band.
|Anyone knowing the general layout of the "razors" and using antenna
|optimizer software such as AO could readily replicate their
|performance today.
|I realize the last statement will get some nostrils flaring.
| To test the
|premise, all Yuri has to do is properly model a "razor" in

Pete,  I don't believe this is a silly discussion and most of your
posed statements are contrary to my thinking.  This used to be an
amateur fraternity that shared new circuits, operating techniques,
antenna designs and other pertinent information that would help the
novice as well as the OT.  This goes deeper than just allowing Yuri to
make bologna claims, and not allow anyone to check his work.  Yuri
infers, without saying, that this will be a commercial project and he
must be compensated for the work he has done in amateur radio.

Can we get a verified quote from K6MYC in regards to this subject?

vy 73,
George Clute - W7LFD
ACS, Inc. - Mercer Island, WA

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