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[Towertalk] Re: M2 10-30LP8 log periodic Yagi

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] Re: M2 10-30LP8 log periodic Yagi
From: (Jan Erik Holm)
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 18:37:11 +0100
Here we go again with crummy gain figures, guess M2 is no
better then Force12.
If it doesn´t say "what  kind of gain" it is or how it´s measured
it sure ain´t worth the cost of the ink.

73, Jim SM2EKM

PS: I can testify that K1KW sure used to have a fat signal with
his stacked LP´s.

Pete Smith wrote:

>At 10:41 AM 3/18/02 -0500, Chuck O'Neal wrote:
>>Absolutely not true!!!  If you take the aluminum required for
>>monobanders, 3 or 4 or 5 elements each, for three bands
>>10, 15, and 20M, and make one log out of it, you get the WARC
>>bands, all of every amateur band without regard to phone 
>>or CW tuning, better F/B ratio across entire amateur bands,
>>Better  SWR performance , with only a compromise in gain 
>>of 1 to under 2 dB, depending upon the design.. 
>But a 10-30 MHz or a 14-30 MHz log on any given band doesn't even approach
>the performance of a good 3-element monoband yagi.  Check out the M2 gain
>and F/B claims on the Array Solutions web site -- even their 11-element
>6-30 MHz LP on a 76-foot boom only claims a peak of about 9.7 dB gain
>(their chart doesn't specify dBi or dBd), and average gain is closer to 7.5
>dB.  And those are the manufacturer's claims. 
>A fairer standard of comparison would be an antenna like the Force 12 XR-5,
>compared to a 14-30 MHz LPDA.  
>73, Pete N4ZR
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