In a message dated 4/5/02 7:13:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
> I receive tower talk and one recent post caught my attention regarding a
> on a draft report about the distance guyed towers fall and the person did
> indicate that you had the report.
> I am trying to get my local township to OK my tower and I could use this
> information Greatly.
> I would like to ask for a complete copy and would pay you for the copy and
> mailing.
Since I've gotten a couple of requests for the infamous Gunnar Olsen
study, I'll make it available again. Please send two bucks to Box 572,
Woodinville, WA, 98072, if you want a copy. It's a draft plus it's a
copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy-etc. so it's not the most presentable info but it
works. For that reason, I won't fax it.
Steve K7LXC
Professional tower services for industry and amateurs