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[Towertalk] Guy Grip Question

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] Guy Grip Question
From: (
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 07:32:23 EDT
In a message dated 4/10/02 10:30:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

> On sailboats we use giant cable cutters - NOT bolt cutters.  The shears
>  overlap on bolt cutters and for cable you need shears that come
>  together flush.  When dismasted it is critical to be able to cut the
>  rigging quickly and jettison it before the mess of tangled rigging,
>  sails, mast, and boom causes you to lose control of the boat.  No
>  serious offshore cruiser would be caught without cable cutters
>  (although a bunch of 'em have bolt cutters and are in for a terrible
>  surprise).  I bought one pair at West Marine and another I found in a
>  tool store.  The ones I have are about 2.5 feet long with a rachet and
>  make short work of 3/4" stainless cable.

    Great for SS sailboat rigging but not suitable for EHS (Extra High 
Strength) guy wires. EHS is real tough, real hard and a bear to cut. It'll 
generally damage cutters unless they're specifically for EHS.

    Some guys use bolt cutters; I prefer using a hand grinder. An aggregate 
metal cutting blade on a SkilSaw works too and it's only a couple of bucks. 

Steve     K7LXC
Professional tower services 

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