My experience is with one on an elevated (chimney strap) type of insulated
mount. It well outperformed a GAP Titan at the same height on 80 & 40 meters.
I used 4 elevated radials on 80 and 6 on Forty Meters. This setup provided
75-80 countries worked and confirmed before I reached a plateau. On 40
meters, the only comparison antenna I had was the Titan ... and as stated,
there was no comparison. IMHO, the Titan sucked on the low bands.
After reaching the plateau on 75/80, I installed two slopers off a 55' tower
and have now increased 80 meter DX totals to more than 125 countries.
I have two of the HF2V's here now and will use 'em in a phased array at the
next QTH.
73 & GL
Les, NN6K