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[Towertalk] 45G (guyed) vs. SSV (self-supp'g) 70-ft. tower

To: <>
Subject: [Towertalk] 45G (guyed) vs. SSV (self-supp'g) 70-ft. tower
From: (Chuck Counselman)
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 13:36:48 -0400
Thanks to all the Towertalkers, including K7LXC , N4KG, N6IN/2, K1MK, 
N8KU, W5FL, AD3F, AA1K, K8LX, W4EF, and W9RMA, who so generously 
shared their knowledge of this topic with me, off-list as well as on. 
(I apologize to anyone whom I've omitted here; it was accidental.)

My summary impressions (remember, this is for 8 sq.ft., 90 mph, 70 ft.):

* If you have enough room for the guys, then 45G is preferred.

* If you don't, then SSV is good and has advantages, too.

* The overall cost difference is not great.  The estimates I received ranged
   from 0 to 1 dB cheaper for a guyed system, depending on how much of the
   work you do yourself, the cost of concrete in your area, whether you'd
   need nonconductive guys with 45G, etc.  This was the most important
   result of my query.  I had expected a self-supporting system to be *much*
   (at least 3 dB) more expensive.

* An interesting alternative that was suggested but that I've had poor luck
   trying to pursue is a 70-ft. *monopole*.  Anyone know about monopoles?
   How do you mount a rotator on top?  Is the torque from a large HF beam a

Tnx es 73 de Chuck, W1HIS

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