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[TowerTalk] Balun for Carolina Windom 160

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Subject: [TowerTalk] Balun for Carolina Windom 160
From: (Van Fair)
Date: Fri Feb 7 14:00:54 2003
9 months ago I purchased and installed a carolina windom 160. I found it to be 
of little value on 160 and 80 and worth even less on the higher bands. So I 
took it down to salvage the wire and Balun. 

Balun is unmarked as to what it is and Radio Works refuses to tell me. They say 
it is proprietary info. I know it is 52 ohm in. I suspect it is a 4 to 1.

Anyone know how to tell the balun output using and MFJ 259 antenna analyzer. I 
read how to do it somewhere but cant remember where or how. 

Thanks and 73
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